Thursday, January 18

Strange but true

Director her is looking after a dog which sounds like a wookie. Cutwell will be the gayest wizard in the village with gold rubber hot pants and leather straps under his wizard's cloak. Ysabell will be pursued around the stage by a giant pink bunny. And box office will play the abbot wearing only a pair of white underpants underneath his hooded cassock. These and many more items were discussed at our production meeting tonight. Or yesterday if you want to be pedantic. It's now 12.30.
In actual fact only the first of those items is true. Sorry. We did actually do a lot of useful stuff tonight. Publicity. Costumes. Box office. The set construction. Props. Sound & light. All of it was touched on to a greater or lesser degree.
Best bits are: Set man has worked out how to do the scythe and sword for DEATH so that they have a blue light along the edge; producer geezer has been in touch with Warwick Castle to see whether they would let us do a photo shoot there; directorhim has been able to come up with a feasible budget which allows £500 for costumes, £100 for props and £250 for the set; best of all director him's mum is going to make DEATH's costume, and she's fab!
Most importantly though, after discussions at the committee meeting last week about revenue and likely ticket sales, we agreed to still do the show as a supper night, but to add in a Saturday matinee - provided all the main characters can make it. Should any of those playing the other smaller parts be unable to be there then producer geezer, director him and director her will take over.
At this moment in time we have all the bases covered and everyone knows what needs to be done. Producer will be sending out notes tomorrow. We are where we should be with the show with nine weeks to go until opening night.
You know, it's a shame about the giant pink bunny. I quite like that idea. She is going to have a bunny though. It will be pink. It will be fluffy. It's just that it will only be bunny size. Never mind eh!

Thought for the day: 'Midnight - that would just be fine. Rain or shine - it wouldn't change my mind. I-I-I-always find the time.' Always Find The Time. Rhythm Of Love. Kylie

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