Sunday, January 21

A fitting mask

I found out something very important on Saturday, but I'll save that until later. What I also found out was that the mask director her had seen for me was absolutely spot on. I got the train to Chertsey and had breakfast with director her and previous director (yep) in a regular haunt and then went to the magnificent mask shop.
Suffice to say that we were inspired to all say that CAST should hold another masked ball (our last one was something like six or seven years ago) and that we would then have an excuse to buy something quite ridiculous. As well as the obvious kind, they have everything from a crocodile to a demon, from the comedy and tragedy theatre masks to an enormous horse.
The real reason for the visit was to check the size of the DEATH skeleton mask they had, to make sure that I could use it. It was excellent, perfect width, but will need a little adjustment for length. The microphone will have to be fitted inside and we will have to pad it out at certain points, but it should look great. The eye sockets are huge, so set man will, we hope, be able to put blue lights in them. To help my breathing, we will drill some small holes through between some of the teeth and in the nostrils. It would be preferable if I didn't pass out while on stage... the costume under the stage lights will be a trifle warm so being able to breath might be a useful option.
When we did Wyrd Sisters, I only had to appear as DEATH in one scene. Director her made me a cool hooded cloak and I had an overhead mask. It was great for the one scene, but I couldn't see a thing. Being seriously short-sighted, any additonal complications to my vision once I have taken off my glasses are a bit of a hazard. I can't do contact lenses so it all gets to be rather amusing at times. The hardest part of this role is going to be moving around with all the clobber and still maintaining the correct air. I'm looking forward to developing the right head movements to indicate different emotions and thought processes. Plenty of time looking in the mirror lies ahead.
After we had bought the mask we went back to director her and previous director's house and I found out that important fact which I referred to at the start. Director her is, I can confirm, currently looking after a dog which sounds like a wookie. So much so, I think it is actually a wookie which has been to the mask shop and bought a doggie mask as part of a fabulous costume. I just hope mine is as convincing.

Thought for the day:
'Don't you come too close to me,
You're dangerous, can't you see,
You make the darkness mean more,
Than it did, ever did before.
It's a devil's disguise,
Angel in black,
And I recognise,
The face behind the mask.'

Behind The Mask by Christine Mc Vie from the album Behind The Mask by Fleetwood Mac

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