Tuesday, January 16

Important correction

Director her did not drink an entire bottle of port the night before our AGM last summer. Nor is she an alcoholic. It was only half a bottle of port... ish. I was told off by email on Friday and hadn't spotted it until I got back from rehearsal tonight.
I made it to the hall before 10pm, which gave me the chance to go through my scene for tonight three or four times in the last hour. It was a relatively straightforward one - only three pages of script. We have now completed the first act and will run through the whole thing on Thursday from the beginning. I honestly can't remember the last time we managed to keep on target with a rehearsal schedule.
Tomorrow night I have a meeting in Addlestone for a completely different show - yes, I am bonkers. Producer geezer is organising it and The Ginger One and Albert are also involved. Then we have a Mort production meeting at our pad on Wednesday and rehearsal on Thursday. Oh yes, not much happening really. Secretary asked me how I think up the stuff to write so much here. Hmmmn. I think the thought for the day can be a famous one this time...

Thought for the day: 'I don't really feel my poems are mine at all. I didn't create them out of nothing; I owe them all to other people.' Robert Graves.

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