Sunday, January 28

Sign of the times

Secretary's part as Doorknocker is pretty funny. Having your face made up to look bronze and holding a ring in your mouth with your head stuck through a door is pretty funny in itself. She's made it even funnier with her choice of accent. Or rather choices of accents.
At the read-through and auditions she did it with a west country twang. The she picked me up from the station on Thursday and announced that she was going to do it with a Welsh lilt. It caught director her out for one! There were certainly plenty of laughs as a result. Yesterday she suggested that maybe it should be Irish instead. I'm not entirely sure she was serious...
That said, she played an Australian in three shows during our early years with Cast and by the time it came to the third one the NODA reviewer actually said that she really was Australian.
She only has speaking parts in three scenes according to the script. However she is now going to play a rather irritable sign holder for the Mended Drum pub and the employment agency. We are going to have someone come out, remove the knoocker ring from her mouth and hang a sign there instead. I'm not sure whether it was director him or director her's idea, but whichever of them it was, it is certainly very amusing.

Thought for the day: 'How could you tell the difference between a pub and a brothel in mediaeval times? The signs on the brothels hung flat against the walls while the pub signs hung out at 90 degrees to the wall.' There was no difference in any of the names. The Horn could be a knocking shop or a drinking establishment. Although I reckon it was probably hard to tell the difference with what went on. Then again, I would suggest it could be pretty tricky now.

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