Friday, January 5

The nightmare is over

It's all cast. Some people are very, very happy, some are disappointed. Some are surprised, others got what they might have expected. As for me, well I got THE PART, but by default in many ways. Rival emailed director him today saying that he wouldn't be auditioning due to work commitments and the other people who read for it were better at other parts. Anyway, I am one of the very, very happy ones.
Director him got a first taste of what casting is like. It is his first show as a producer or director and I think he was quite surprised at what he found himself saying and doing. It's not a case of picking the 10 people you would most like to invite to a dinner party, you have to be detached and make your judgement on the basis of what will work on stage. He grasped that concept just as well as director her or producer. We have ended up with the best cast possible and, after seeing some people two or three times for certain roles, were all in agreement over who should do what.
We've got someone doing their first show as Cutwell, two people who haven't done a show for four years as Ysabell and Albert and someone doing her first play as Keli. Then in the other main roles we have a regular as Footnote, secretary as Doorknocker, producer as DEATH, and some ginger bloke of ill repute as Mort.
Telling everyone is a nightmare, but we didn't cop out and announce the parts all at once or by email, we told each person individually before letting the group know. Director her did it the same way for Wyrd Sisters.
So we march onwards and upwards. Rehearsals begin on Monday. We have 20 between now and show week. That's just 60 hours to get everything perfect. It's not long...

Thought for the day: 'Onwards and upwards. The inside is bigger than the outside.' The Last Battle. CS Lewis.

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