Tuesday, January 2

Adding a footnote

"Hello. Welcome to the Discworld, not a spherical world like yours, but flat… like a pizza. The Discworld moves through space on the backs of four giant elephants. They in turn stand on the back of a colossal turtle – the Great A’Tuin. Just goes to show the gods do have a sense of humour!"
Our version of Mort will open with Footnote, the narrator character used by Stephen Briggs in other Discworld adaptations, describing the locations and characters of the play for the audience. Pratchett's tales are easy to understand when you read them, once you have bought into the overall concept. On stage, life isn't so easy for the uninitiated. So to assist our audience Footnote will be their guide.
In the original play, as mentioned in an earlier blog, all the 'narration' pieces are done by characters in the story. Having decided to change this right at our initial meeting, replacing them with Footnote, the adjusted dialogue and new introduction needed putting together. Director her has done it all and sent it to director him, secretary and producer last night.
Apart from the usual caveat about spelling & grammar, which director her now always makes as a result of director him taking the p***, it is absolutely spot on. Whoever does the footnote role has got a pretty interesting job on their hands learning an introduction of 500 words. Strangely, it's the sort of thing I would normally fancy doing myself, but it's going to be a female part for us.

Thought for the day: 'Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste...' Sympathy For The Devil. Mick & Keef.

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