Tuesday, January 23

Missing all the fun and enjoying the party

Last night was a 'no' on the rehearsal schedule for me. Given my staff situation at work this week it was never going to happen. Got home very cold at 12.40am in the end. Not good.
Anyway, I hate missing all the fun. The rehearsals have been such a laugh so far. Serious work with everyone enjoying themselves. I have been in a couple of shows recently which didn't really fall into the 'fun' category. Director him and I are very strict about having fun. If you don't then it's off to the comedy club with you!
Director him sent out an email today praising everyone for what they have done so far. My sentiments entirely. The Ginger One wrote back agreeing and asking where the after-show party was being held. We all know that means he wants to have it at his place really. A bit obvious that one.
After-show parties are a big thing. Secretary and I have had two at our place; after Honk! and Snow White & The Seven Dwarves. The Honk! one was amazing. We had 42 people in our garden at one point, along with a gazebo which filled most of it and a barbeque which took up the rest of the space. It's not a very big garden...
High Priest holds the record for the highest number of after-show parties now. Two of our wonderful founders held loads over the years, but now he has the record i'm sure. I'll have to ask him. He's very good at keeping records.
All sorts of things happen at after-show parties, some of which will not be mentioned here, but suffice to say a number of relationships have started (including one which has led to marriage) in earnest at these unholy bashes. One or two have seen dramatic splits as well.
Over the years I have seen people in all states of ill-health. I have witnessed a man spend an entire night making guacamole from scratch. I have seen a man fall asleep hugging a large china hedgehog. I have enjoyed a man playing drums on a set of saucepans. And, notoriously, I have discovered that a large number of teenage members have drunk their way through an entire garage full of Smirnoff Ice before the person who they belonged to even got her hands on one.
These are the things which Cast is all about. There is a lot of history. Well sixteen and a half years of it to be precise, and next month I (along with secretary and Town Crier) will have been here for 15 of them. No where is that long service award I was promised five years ago?

Thought for the day: 'Celebration time, come on.' Used in Aladdin, I believe.

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