Thursday, January 18

Some complete ****

Sometimes things bring you down to earth. Two of our cast had their house broken into last night. I won't say who it was as they might not want me to publish the fact. What a ******* *******. She arrived home to find the patio doors smashed in. Nothing was taken, but it's a horrible feeling coming into your house knowing someone has been inside.
I've only been burgled once (2 speakers & a telly taken) and they came in through my back windows as well. I walked into the room and felt a combination of fear and anger in equal measure.
He's staying at home tonight to look after the house. She's coming down to rehearsal. It's a good thing as it might help take her mind off it for a little while. Poor them. It really is horrible.

Thought for the day: 'Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.' It's probably not exactly appropriate here, but she sent it to me the other day and I like it.

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