Thursday, January 4

Geezer gets us going

A five minute phone call to producer geezer revealed that he has sorted out an agreement with Time 106.6 FM to record an ad for Mort which will be broadcast twice a day for the next three months. He's also got a regular slot lined up in the Slough Express and is contacting the Slough Observer tomorrow. Publicising Mort is going to be tricky. If you are a Pratchett fan, the single word will instantly provoke interest. If you are not... well that's where producer geezer will need to use all his talents.
After all, when it comes down to it, Discworld stories can be a little complicated to the uninitiated. For example, trying to explain the fact that the librarian at the Unseen University is an orang-utan is quite tricky. Any attempt to tell people about a Pratchett story unually involves an awful lot of subordinate clauses and contorted sentences.
I have absolutely no doubt that we will be able to sell out the show - it's 320 tickets when we have a supper night, which means £2,240 in takings if we shift them all. The tickets are £10 but £3 of that pays for the fish & chips, so it's £7 revenue per person. Judging by the number of people we are expecting to audition and cast (between 20 and 25?) we are only going to be looking at cast and crew selling one table each.
Next up will be the budget. Director him happens to be treasurer too, so we should have no problem there. We have got a number of other potential sources of income to include as well. The biggest expense is probably going to be on the set, but the recent acquisitions set man has made have been real money savers.
Anyway, by this time tomorrow.....

Thought for the day: 'Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...' Mr Bardy again.

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