Friday, March 23

Not sharp enough

I forgot to take on the sword tonight. Bugger. Thank God the ginger one is pretty quick on the draw. Boy, does he need to be. Ysabell dropped her first line tonight. Was she annoyed? Too right. High priest got very upset with himself for missing a bit. I got most of the ones I had mucked up last night right. Apart from one fairly important one. And I got away with a momentary lapse in the crucial fight scene by breathing very heavily while I found time to think. The fight went well and the pyro scene was the best we have done it yet. Classic moment of the night though, apart from the sword, fell to box office. His line as the abbot 'I can remember all my lives' became 'I can remember all my lines'. Quality. One change of letter can a magic moment make.

Thought for the day: 'The pen is mightier than the sword.' That's why I forgot it. I'm a writer. I had a biro in my pocket.

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