Wednesday, March 14

Liking one another's company

It's a good job that the core group in Cast all get on. Set man pointed out tonight that we would see one another every day now until a week on Tuesday. Director her, producer, previous producer, box office and set man had the final production meeting tonight. We met at The Crown in Chertsey, venue for that first meeting which director her, director him and producer held all those months ago. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then.
I have just been delivered home by set man and previous producer. We have all been preparing ourselves mentally for the coming weekend. As always the list of jobs to be done, stuff to build and particularly things to paint is a long one. They will go up on the wall in the hall on Friday and be crossed off one by one. In many ways I enjoy this long weekend more tyhan any sane person should. Buit I guess it's the time when those key people bond and get on with it together to make the show for everyone else to take part in.
I could never sit on the sidelines and then turn up once it's all finished and go wow! haven't you done a lot of work. Even for Dick Whittington I was there for the weekend when I wasn't in the show. People just rely on one another - and as I say we must like one another's company.
Set build last Sunday was rather strange. First there was the Binky photo shoot. Then when director her and I got to tyhe hall there was the strange experience of being offered a bacon, egg or sausage sandwich rather than the usual bacon buttie we have. Our usual chef, bacon bitch was stranded in Portsmouth with dangerous because his car had gone kaput. I sent a crisis email to footnote on Saturday night explaining the trauma of the situation. And so we had a wonderful array of breakfast possibilities on offer to set us off for the day.
My actual contribution to the set was fairly minimal. I drew the outlines for a window and a door with director her. Well actually did the ones high priest had done free hand over again as his were a bit wonky. Then I started painting with box office... and got summoned so we could choreograph the fight scene between DEATH and Mort. Sword fight man was there to train us and work us hard so we mastered the moves. Knackering. It certainly wore me out. We had lunch and then did it all over again.
One amusing other incident saw director him and town crier drive off to do door-to-door delivery of our postcards. They headed off, did their own separate parts of the estate. Then director him returned to his car. And waited for town crier. And waited. And went to have a look for him. And waited some more. Town crier of course doesn't have a mobile phone. So director him waited some more. Then he called box office at the hall. Have you seen town crier? Oh yes. He's been back ages. What?! Yes, he walked back. Well I said amusing, director him was not that amused. But it did give us something to take the mick out of town crier over during lunch...

Thought for the day: 'We go together like rama-lama-lama-de-dinga-de-dingy-dong' Bizarre song from Grease. Albert will no doubt tell me that the lyrics are wrong, which they probably are. But he told me I had the lyrics to Wild West Hero wrong today and I checked on the insert for the CD and I had got it right, so there!

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