Saturday, March 17

Bricking it

It took footnote and producer about 3 hours tonight to 'tidy up' some of the brickwork on the inside of Cutwell's cottage. We have now finished a third of it. Two more walls, including a fireplace in one of them, to go. We reckon on that basis about another 18 hours should be enough to finish it...
Director her spent the evening on her knees working on the Michaelangelo backdrop otherwise known as the Unseen University. She didn't feel too well afterwards - doing that after a large Chinese meal didn't help.
Set man and dangerous completed building the corner of the set for DEATH's study & library and the evening ended with the two of them fireproofing the front of the stage. Funnily enough this prompted a mass exodus from the hall due to the dangerous radioactive cloud which descended as they did it. Not pleasant.
Director him and previous producer were also there working away and high priest, lord bless his soul, turned up after work... having finished at 10.15pm.
Downer of the night was secretary arriving at the hall after having been up to London to see The Sound Of Music, to tell us that her car had been broken into at Langley station. Apparently the show was great.
Tomorrow we are having a very big brunch. Footnote is turning the hall kitchen into a full blown restaurant...

Thought for the day: 'All in all it's just another brick in the hall.' Trad arr Cole.

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