Sunday, March 18

The importance of food

Today followed an interesting pattern. Paint some bricks. Have a cuppa. Paint some more bricks. Eat (Big cooked breakfast). Paint some more bricks. Have a cuppa. Paint some more bricks. Have a cuppa. Paint some more bricks. Have a pint. Paint some more bricks. Watch the rugby (first half). Paint a few quick bricks. Watch the rugby (second half). Cry. Paint some more bricks. Eat (Big curry). Paint some more bricks. Attend to the requirements of nature. Have a cuppa. Paint some mortar. Eat (Big chocolate chip muffin). Paint some more mortar. Come home.
That is of course an over simplification. I had more cups of tea and coffee than that. I also haven't mentioned that my brick painting sponge fell apart twice, so dangerous repaired it twice and then the third time I happened tto mention that it would be good if it had a handle on it... and I was given a new sponge cut to size fixed into a specially made wooden box with a handle on it.
Keli did most of the mortar. She also did most of the shouting during the rugby. She supports Wasps so she's obviously a very special and lovely rugby fan.
Footnote and previous producer masterminded the breakfast, or rather brunch. The first time we have ever had sausage, eggs, bacon, beans, fried bread and toast at the hall. It was a great idea as it meant we had a good long afternoon to get things done. Nice.
The curry we had in the evening was excellent too. Director her didn't partake though after last night's experience. She still had a lot of crawling on her hands and knees to do. But the food over these long and tiring sessions is important. There is a delicate balance of stodge and grease to be consumed. I was concerned that set man might have upset his metabolism by having two glasse of orange juice with breakfast. He seemed to be OK though.
Ysabell and Albert created DEATH's world in shades of black. Set man and dangerous sorted out secretary's position on the door so her head was comfortable. Footnote showed off her calligraphy skills for the books in DEATH's library.
Director her tackled the Michaelangelo again. She was there in the evening. Director him was down supervising during the day. Box office painted the fireplace, went off to a party (one of our members 18th birthaday) and then came back at midnight to finish it. High priest, dangerous and set man hung one drop. And then at the end they painted the extension to the stage black. All in all a good day's work.

Thought for the day: 'An army marches on its stomach' I'm not sure whether that was Napoleon or Wellington or someone from a completely different time and place, but it's a good quote so I'll stick with it. I'll check for tomorrow.

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