Thursday, March 8

Flash! Bang! Wallop!

We do all sorts of things on our stage, but in this show we need some pyros and using them causes all sorts of complications. When we did Wyrd Sisters all those years ago director her had several. This time it is all a little more restrained - just one for DEATH & Albert's disappearance in scene 21.
Of course such things require a certain amount of care. Setting fire to the front row wouldn't be a good idea really. After all they will have had a big meal during the interval. We don't want them getting indegestion while we run around putting them out with fire extinguishers.
Director her has been in touch with the people at Slough council who are responsible for issuing licences and we have to adhere to a number of key safety requirements to be given the go ahead. Most importantly, all the costumes of those people in the immediate vicinity of the big bang need to have their costumes fireproofed. As that includes me I think it is probably quite a good idea.
Fortunately director her, director him and producer are all trained at squirting stuff for work just in case something goes wrong. All the flats we have up were there at panto so they've been fireproofed already and the stage curtains are also protected so there shouldn't be any towering inferno.
It all adds to the complications though - but if you are doing a show with wizards or witches in it then a few magical pieces of stage action are likely to be required.
I shall now disappear....

Thought for the day:
'Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up - and that’s an invitation
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up - to make a reservation
Roll up for the mystery tour
The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away
Waiting to take you away'
Them scouse blokes

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