Tuesday, February 6

Recorded at last

Another rehearsal missed tonight. Pain in the bum. Not that I was the only one. Keli couldn't make it and previous producer is ill. She's probably worn herself into the ground after the efforts of Friday and Saturday night. At least we have an extra session on Wednesday to read through the whole show and record it onto disk for everyone to learn their lines. Then it's a complete run through on Thursday, before the ginger one heads off to the USA - Arizona to be precise - for a week.
Sunday was another one of those days which vanished into Cast activities. We put on a one night charity concert this time last year; the full details of the whys and wherefores I shall not cover now. In among all the songs that were performed we had a series of speeches which I had written to link the whole thing together. Trouble was, when we came to putting the DVD together there were four of the seven speeches missing because they had been used as the points to change the video.
Now a week is a long time in politics, they say. Well a year is a ridiculous length of time for a bunch of luvvies to wait to get their hands on copies of the DVD. But could the ginger one, scud, previous chairperson (they're married - remember that one too) and producer manage to be in the same place at the same time, complete with evening dress and copies of the speeches, for previous director to record? Could we hell. I have to say that on one occasion last August, secretary and producer were coming back from holiday and completely forgot about it. So I take the blame there. But with the anniversary fast approaching we decided we should put on a special showing and dish out the complete DVDs then. What is it about deadlines?
For me this involves designing and producing labels for the DVDs, an outer cover and an inner booklet, the first two of which I completed on Sunday (either side of a fabulous roast lunch prepared by secretary) and then we went round to scud and previous chairperson's pad (that's right, well remembered) to do the recordings. Needless to say, for producer and previous director this involved a couple of takes. For scud... well I'm not sure, but it was nearer to ten than two. A man in search of perfection....
Previous director now has all he needs to put the finished article together, while producer works on the inner booklet. It should be a nice little package - a fitting tribute to the occasion. Like I said though, that is one for another occasion.
Most important thing today though was an email from domefur to confirm our booking to go to Berlin. Looks like it will only be domefur, virtual dildo, scud and producer. No previous director or Albert which leaves a big hole, but then scud and domefur couldn't make it at the last minute a year ago. It will be great. Our first event in Germany. Oh the things that Cast brought us together to do.

Thought for the day: 'Darf ich Destroya vorstellen.' I could have written other things, but babelfish is a dangerous website to start playing around with at this time of night. Albert will vouch for that. And domefur. It nearly destroyed their lives...

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