Friday, February 2

National coverage

We've always been pretty good at publicity, but box office has taken things to a new level... last night (that's Wednesday for those of you who are pedantic) he was on the Geoff show on Virgin radio. Talking about Cast. Not about Mort, truth be known, but still talking about us.
He rang up in response to the question: 'Have you ever had anything strange happen to you while you have been dressed up as an animal.' Well how many stories from the annals of Cast did they want? But he picked the best.
Those of you who have read will know that we made a tour of London organised by yours truly (called programme producer on that blog) to take promo pics for the press and to use on other publicity and in the programme. You may know this story from that blog.
But if not...
Among the places we visited were the house where Dick Whittington lived, and the church he founded next door, where he is buried. There are plaques on both of them and Keli, who played Dick, and previous producer, who was dressed in a huge cat costume, had their pics taken with each of them. We then took a line-up shot by the plaque on the side of the church before walking down the tiny street to the front of the church.... where a tour guide was telling a group of tourists all about Dick Wittington.
"This is the church where Dick Whittington, four times Lord Mayor of London is buried..." We came round the corner just as he turned round towards us and taking things beautifully in his stride he carried on his chat. "...and here he comes, accompanied by his cat. And now if you will follow me this way..."
The tourists snapped away with their cameras before scurrying off after him. He will be dining out on that one for years. We walked into Whittington Gardens opposite laughing our heads off and got on with taking our own photos.
So the late night listeners to Virgin Radio now all know the tale - and maybe that tour guide was listening himself.

Thought for the day: 'All we here is radio ga-ga, radio go-go, radio blah-blah.' Radio Gaga. Roger Taylor. The Works. Queen.

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