Saturday, February 3

Clearing out the Tardis

Last night previous producer, previous director, set man, box office and secretary spent six hours taking everything out of the Tardis. These pictures show what it looked like. Today previous producer, previous director, set man, director him, high priest, saturday landlord and producer spent nine hours sorting through it all, chucking out as much as possible, and putting it back into the Tardis in a more orderly fashion. It was all very neccessary in order for us to be able to do the show in comfort and know what exactly is where.
All this has nothing to do with Billie Piper. It wasn't one of the things I included in my letter to try to win her over. I am in this case referring to Time And Relative Diminsions In Shite. Otherwise known as the Colnbrook Village Hall loft.
It's been full of junk for as long as I can remember and the bulk of it belongs to the Colnbrook Residents Association and the village hall trust. The loft is actually the gallery where the lights are controlled from for each show. In an ideal world the person calling the show is also up there.
For the last three years or so our ever expanding collection of costumes has lived up there and outgrown the space available.
Previous producer has been photographing and logging the costumes and chucking out the junk. There have been two or three occassions when we have taken all of them down from the loft and she and her team have sorted vast numbers of them out. Set man and producer spent on session after our own clear out of 'the shed' (more on that another time) going through the hats, logging and photographing them. Yes, we have quite a lot of hats. We have quite a lot of everything actually.

Set man and saturday landlord are spending quite a lot of time at the back of the hall during rehearsals taking photographs of items, while previous producer enters them on a massive database. I have called it a database rather than a spreadsheet, because, although previous producer is famous for her spreadsheets, the word really doesn't do the whole thing justice.
To give an idea of what we were doing today, let's give some statistics. Director him made two trips to the dump with a car crammed full of stuff we had thrown out. Secretary just about managed to fit in her car all the stuff for the Age Concern shop - there wasn't any room for a passenger to fit in to help unload it. We have 23 full giant plastic crates (with lids) full of costumes. We have more than a dozen huge suitcase shaped plastic zipper bags with more costumes, material, shoes and boots. And then there is all the remaining stuff belonging to CVH and CRA which we wrapped and stacked in open crates and boxes. And then there is all the other stuff. From clothes rails to tribal spears (not the britney spear - I'm not sure where that's gone...) from a plastic cash register to a pair of lanterns. But it all went back in a tidy state and the floor of the loft can still be seen - and there is almost room to swing a cat. How it all fitted back in, I'm still unsure. Maybe it really is a proper Tardis. Damn! In that case I should have put it in my letter to Billie after all. Talking of which, at the rehearsal on Thursday, when we completed Act Two, the ginger one said he had a good feeling about the whole honorary president exercise. Keep praying to the picture everyone.

Thought for the day: 'There is no escape. Return the Tardis immediately to our home planet... You have broken our laws. You must face your trial.' The Time Lords summon the second Doctor back to Gallifrey in The War Games, his final story.
If you thought Billie leaving in Doomsday was a bit dramatic, then you should try this one. Patrick Troughton ended his tenure as The Doctor. His two assistants, Jamie and Zoe had all memories of their time with The Doctor wiped and were each returned to the places they came from. The Time Lords sent The Doctor to Earth and removed the ability of the Tardis to travel.
So in the next series, the first episodes of the 1970s, The Doctor was played by Jon Pertwee. He had a new assistant - Liz Shaw. He worked alongside UNIT (The United Nations Intelligence Taskforce) with its leader Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. He was stranded on Earth, for the bulk the next three years (in order to save the BBC money). And it was shot in colour for the first time (which was why they needed to save money).
A pretty dramatic change. Jon Pertwee I loved as The Doctor. In many ways he is still the one I like the best. I hated Liz Shaw. She had replaced Zoe. I had a really big six and seven-year-old's crush on Wendy Padbury. I was really upset when she went. But Liz Shaw only lasted one series and then she was replaced by Jo Grant. I had an even bigger nine, ten and 11-year-old's crush on Katy Manning. Funnily enough when she was replaced by Sarah-Jane Smith I didn't like her much, until Jon Pertwee left and Tom Baker came along and she seemed OK then. I never fancied her though. But I was upset when she left.
My God Billie's replacement has got her work cut out winning over a lot of children's hearts over the coming episodes...

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