Thursday, February 22

The late, late, late show.

Previous producer has to get up at some ridiculous time in the morning to get to work. Like 5am or something equally stupid. I have caught the same train as her about twice. She was probably doing a half day and I was going in really, really early.
Now look at the reverse side of the coin. She stays up rather late. As ridiculously late as she has to get up. Have a look at her blog from the last show, and see the time of the entries. That's the time she started writing them, not when she finished.

I can only conclude that she is a witch. She has to get up before she has gone to bed, so that is the only conclusion I can draw. In fact she's playing a wizard in the show.... so that's it.
Previous director is similar, but he works on the don't go to bed at all principle.
So when I tell you that we had a CAST committee meeting last night followed by a Mort production meeting, held at previous producer's house as committee meetings always are, and that we finished at gone midnight, at which point previous director then had to go through one or two important other issues, you will understand.
Having one after the other might seem ludicrous, but we always spend a large chunk of committee meetings discussing the current production, it isn't actually such a mad idea. We were still discussing committee stuff when director her arrived at 10ish, and still discussing them when director him arrived about 20 minutes later having been training staff all night. He now the record for the latest arrival at a CAST committee meeting.
Most things are progressing well. We're going to ask whether we can put the stage extension up early so that we can work on Keli's bedroom and DEATH's study before the final long weekend. There are one or two extra costume issues which previous producer needed opinions on. This weekend there's going to be a lot of ironing to do. We can't go to Warwick Castle for a photo shoot, so it is probably going to be a few of us in Windsor instead We're still hunting for a white/grey horse (depending on how you describe it). Set man is going to take photos of people this evening and on Monday for the programme. Producer geezer is going to sort out the biogs for the programme, once I can get the old ones to him. All good stuff.
This morning I had a great piece of news. Grundon waste management are going to sponsor our show again, paying for the publicity production costs to the tune of £680. I rang director him, director her and previous director to give them the good news. Director him is especially pleased. If you remember, he is also the CAST treasurer. Happy man.

Thought for the day: 'Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed...' Just about everyone who's ever recorded a song anywhere ever. And a lot of drunk people outside pubs at closing time. Including me. Probably.

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