Friday, December 15

What do I do?

To be honest, the producer shouldn't do anything. The producer's job is to work out what needs doing, find people to do those things and allocate the jobs to them and then make sure they are doing them. A bit like a committee chairman. Now to my way of thinking previous producer did this very well. There was one slight problem - most of the jobs she had allocated to herself! So, I won't be doing costumes or props, being set designer or scenic artist.
Those jobs have been allocated. Who to? Well previous producer of course! Actually, it's not as bad as it sounds, but you have to say previous producer must be a sucker for punishment - don'tcha love her!
We allocated most of the key jobs last night, which was a great kick off - knowing who is going to be doing what come the new year.
Thus, producer geezer will look after all publicity and advertising with press and radio. Previous producer is going to supply details of the 101 websites she advertised the panto on. Director him will provide previous producer and set man with a list of props for them to find.
THE PART rival and previous producer will be the scenic artists along with director her. Set man, rival, previous producer, producer, director him and director her will come up with the set design.
Previous director and producer her (husband & wife remember - try to keep up) will look after sound and light, while previous producer and director her will be responsible for costumes.
Director him and producer geezer will sort out tables and waiters/waitresses and secretary will negotiate over the fish and chips. Needless to say, box office man has already opened the box office...
What more could anyone want? All that before we have even had the auditions. Which reminds me, I must get everyone's photograph taken at the first rehearsal. It will make doing the programme so much easier!
My other task is to try to track down any performance of the show before March, find any Terry Pratchett book signings and get in touch with the Discworld Society. I think that's quite enough of an allocation for me.

Thought for the day: "Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Oooh Yeah." Old Liverpudlian saying c1960s.

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