Tuesday, December 19

Frightening really

I finished the last entry, posted it and then signed out. I then spent the next few minutes searching Terry Pratchett related sites for possible book signings for us to visit and visiting the NODA (National Operatic & Dramatic Association) website for future productions of Mort. The last tour was in the spring and the only production is ours. Not a great result then.
So I go back to my email inbox... and there, staring out at me is an email from previous producer to set man, director him, director her and producer giving details of the props we already have and how we can source the rest. Scary, scary, scary.
Previous producer works at triple speed. Maybe it's drugs. Or maybe I'm hallucinating. No! It's all happening because I'm such a tip-top producer and allocated all those responsibilities so early on. That's it. Phew.
Director him has also sent through an email conversation he has had about tables. As we will be serving food during the interval people need somewhere to eat. Everyone likes to have somewhere to put their drink. It makes for a great atmosphere too. We first did it for Stags & Hens back in 2004 and have done it for the spring play each year since. This year we are having to get slightly smaller tables than before in order to allow for a bigger stage, but it should work OK. Interestingly, it tends to encourage people to sort out their own block bookings as they want a table exclusively for their own friends. When they are sitting in rows people tend to care less.

Thought for the day: "Faster than a ray of light, she's flying." Ray Of Light - Madonna

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