Tuesday, December 12

All about Dick

Why am I writing this? Well it's all down to the previous producer. It's ALL HER FAULT. If you have read allaboutdick.blogspot.com you will know what I am talking about. If not.....
You see it's Colnbrook Amateur Stage Theatre. CAST. More than just a theatre group. More like a way of life for the theatrically insane. If you get too heavily involved it can take you over - and when you are the producer you have no choice.
All about Dick was, well, all about Dick Whittington, the CAST pantomime for 2006. The last show was on Saturday. The effects will last a lifetime. Well for my predecessor anyway. She worked her way from being a first-time costume manager and a first-time producer to coping with an absent director and choreographer via rewriting songs and purchasing props. Oh, and two weeks playing the panto baddie, King Rat as well.
But, fortunately for me, it's a little easier with Mort. No songs. No choreography. Only one week. And two directors who will be around all the time. Here I shall have to call them director her and director him to distinguish between them. Oh and they are not married. In fact Dick's director is married to director her. Confused? Read this for long enough and you will be.
What about CAST? Well you can find out more at www.cast-online.org.uk Suffice to say though, It was founded it October 1990, staged its first show in the summer of 1991 and I joined for the second show in 1992. I am married to the group's secretary, who joined for the same show. Good reason for me to be thankful. All my history with the group will no doubt appear here over the coming weeks and months.
In the meantime... The read through of the Mort script takes place on Thursday (Dec 14). Yes, one show is barely over before another gets underway. Director her and director him and I had our first production meeting a month ago (Wednesday Nov 15). The show was selected by the membership as the one for this spring at our annual meeting in August (The circumstances of that event will also have to wait).
For the moment I will just say that I am looking forward to this show more than any in recent years. I intend to audition for a part. A SPECIAL PART. But that isn't until January.

Thought for the day: "Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more." King Henry in Henry V by that Bard bloke.

1 comment:

Producer said...

Ahh ...

Yet Another Blog Connection...

Getting on the Bandwagon Producer? I'll enjoy the Company.

Honk! if you get Stranded and enjoy the experience.

I'm sure "Allaboutdeath" will be A Class Act.

Hope your Calamity's are few and your Stags and Hens enjoy the Nightlife and Limelight.

Producer (allaboutdick.blogspot.com)