Friday, December 15

Read all about it

Secretary asleep. Cup of tea. Mince pie and cheese. Right. I reckon there are five good candidates for specific parts based on the read-through tonight. We had stand-out performances for a Town Crier, High Priest, Ysabell, Keli & Cutwell. The irony of a journalist giving a hilarious performance as a town crier has not been lost on me.
I have let my views be known to director him and director her, and also to a new face I would like to add to the team; my co-producer. What shall I call him here? I think I'll make it producer geezer as he's a top bloke. Hmmmn. Funny how this sort of stuff flows out of one's brain at this time of night.
Of course, when it comes to it I shall not be doing any of the casting as I shall be auditioning for THAT PART, although based on tonight's performance I have a very serious rival for the part. Numbers were good. Of those who were there we had nine blokes who actually want to audition and six girls. I reckon three more blokes and three more girls who were not down tonight. That would make 12 and nine in total.
When I calculated our minimum totals to perform the show I worked it out at 11 male and seven female. Then take away producer geezer who only wants one very small part and another person who often drops out along the way. This leaves you with bang on the target, keeping everyone busy, making sure that everyone has at least one really good part and giving us enough people for the 'crowd' scenes.
Who knows what January 4 may bring. I hope an even bigger turnout to give director her and director him a good choice of candidates for each part and a chance to shuffle things around. I hope a satisfaction from the cast with the parts they have been given. And I hope (in amongst that) THE PART for me.
As I said who knows? Nothing is certain yet and there has been no pre-casting - or at least nothing to happen today could have been predicted and we haven't had auditions! With our previous Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters, all bar one part turned out completely differently to how director her had expected. When I cast Stags & Hens a three years ago my co-director and I had three totally different line-ups after each of the three auditions. It is all still up in the air.
As well as discussing the quality of the read-through afterwards, we had a highly fruitful five minute production discussion. But more of that - and what a producer's job really involves - tomorrow, or rather later today.

Thought for the day: "Life is uncertain. My life certainly has a certain degree of uncertainty about it and I'm certain yours does too. Of that we can be quite...sure." Sir Marcus Browning MP - Rowan Atkinson.

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