Saturday, December 23

Christmas Interlude

Well this is it, the final pre-Christmas entry. Not a huge amount to add. Previous producer, who has knackered arm (see, director her, previous director (well done again, you really have got the hang of this now) and set man are going to the hall tomorrow. Or rather that should be later today.
The blokes will be removing the banner for panto from across the front of the pub while the ladies put some costumes into the loft. Previous producer's dining room is filled with boxes and bags of costumes at the moment. There are a lot of costumes in a panto. Hmmmn.
Director her will be casting her eye over appropriate costumes for our show as she helps to get them in order in the loft. With director her and previous producer doing the costumes for Mort, the job is in safe hands. I'm glad it's not me. I wouldn't know where to begin. I'm quite good at knowing what I don't want. Summer producer, who has been costumier for my shows in the past would probably tell you that.
Anyway, director him has sent off the license application to Stephen Briggs, along with a nice fat cheque. It is all coming together as well as you could possibly hope two weeks before auditions.
I'll write more when secretary and I return from our Christmas jaunt. We're heading off westwards tomorrow (OK, OK, today) and I'm looking forward to it.

Thought for the day:
Driving home for Christmas
Chris Rea

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