Friday, December 22

Cats and curry

DEATH likes cats and curry, and so do I. Funnily enough so does previous producer. I wonder whether it's a requirement of the job. We had a curry together last night. It was previous producer's husband's birthday.
Director her and previous director (yes they are, well done!), set man and box office were also there. As was a wide range of other lovely people. I could describe them in a variety of complex interconnected ways, but I think things are hard enough to understand without any further additions.
We went back to previous producer's house for coffee afterwards. She has a cat. It behaves like it's DEATH's cat. No, that's not fair. If DEATH had a cat it would be much nicer than that. In fact this cat would probably scare DEATH. Secretary gets so frightened of it that every time we go round to the house she will not go to the loo in case the cat is sitting at the top of the stairs waiting for her.
Secretary and I don't have a cat. I try to have extra curry to make up for it though. Secretary wants a dog. She grew up with one. I grew up with a cat. Well 25 cats to be precise. Not all at the same time mind you. A mother and a succession of six litters, one of three kittens, four of four and one of five.
Last night was good. Director her and I tried to have a private production conversation as everyone was leaving the curry house, but didn't get very far. She has decided that auditions for DEATH should take place with a mask on though. Very sensible really. That's how the person doing the part will have to perform on the night. If you are claustrophobic do not apply!
Last time I played DEATH, very briefly in Wyrd Sisters, the combination of clothing and face masks that I wore meant that for that one scene I couldn't see anything. At least it was only for one scene. We have better plans this time.
I got a Christmas card from director her and previous director last night. There was a DVD inside. Hogfather. I missed it. Now I can watch it. I love director her, she's my bestest friend. Actually director him offered me a copy too and then emailed me to say it is on again over Christmas, but secretary and I will be at producer's parents (nooooo! stoppit!) sorry producer's parents (thank you!) over the hols. They do not have Sky so that one's out.
Director him has also been emailing out audition pieces for everyone in CAST so that we are all set for Jan 4. Producer, director her and director him are having another pub lunch, I mean production meeting, next Wednesday to make sure everything is in hand for the auditions, so more of that then. I may add more here tonight, but otherwise this will be the last piece until then. Not only do producer's parents not have Sky, they do not have a computer. Well, actually....... Merry Christmas.

Thought for the day:
"So here it is Merry Christmas,
Everybody's having fun,
Look to the future now,
It's only just begun."
Those seasonal fun-loving party boys Slade

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